Resume of Associate Professor
Yong-ting Li, female, han nationality, was born in Wuhai, InnerMongolia, in Nov., 1975. At present, she is in Inner Mongolia University ofTechnology. She received her B. D. of “control engineering” in TaiyuanUniversity of Technology in 1998, and her M.Sc. in Beijing University ofAeronautics and Astronautics in 2005.
Her researches cover: 1. Condition assessment, fault monitoringand fault diagnosis of wind turbine system. 2. Research on wavelet signalanalysis algorithm. She has offered the lectures such as Circuitry, Signal andSystems, Electronic Technology; she also offered Digital Signal Processing andElectric Network Theory for graduates majoring in “control science andengineering” and “computer science”. She has published three softwarecopyrights, and more than 10 papers, including 4 EI papers. She and her researchgroup have been granted the funds: Natural Science Funds of Inner Mongolia(2017MS0601), Scientific Research Funds of Inner Mongolia University ofTechnology (X201424).
Contact Details:
Room 0705,
Building of Electric Power,
Inner Mongolia University of Technology,
Jinchuan Development Zone,
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia,
People’s Republic of China,
Email:lyt@imut.edu.cn; liyongting1234@163.com